In the playroom, we use the 'curriculum for excellence' for all aspects of curriculum planning and encourage children to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. There are 8 curricular areas that staff incorporate into their plans to ensure the children experience a balanced curriculum:
Literacy and English:
The children have the opportunity to listen to rhymes and stories, take part in group discussions at 'together time ', read books and recognise words, use a variety of tools for mark making, and experience emergent writing through imaginary situations.
Expressive art:
Children are encouraged to express themselves in different ways and be creative through art, design, drama, dancing and singing.
Religious and moral education:
By celebrating a variety of festivals and traditions, we help children discover religion, culture, values, beliefs and the diversity of our society.
Through day to day experiences and topical activities, children learn about their environment, living things, and their senses, whilst developing investigative techniques.
Social studies:
Children are encouraged to develop an understanding of the history, heritage and culture of Scotland. Also, we aim to broaden children's understanding of people and places in the past and present. The children are encouraged to participate in enterprising activities to prepare them for the world of work in future years.
Children have access to a variety of ICT equipment to enhance their learning and problem solving skills. They also take part in recycling activities as part of our ongoing eco-work.